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This is my personal web site. You can find links here to my other sites. Is my business site for DCC programmable lighting controllers, products available mid 2007. Is my business site for professional wedding videography and photography. Is my business site for product development. I use and personally recommend iPowerWeb Hosting.
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娣卞叆寮 灞曟硶璀 牳蹇冧环鍊艰 鐨勬暀鑲叉椿鍔? 娣卞叆寮 灞曚负姘戝姟瀹炴竻寤変负涓昏 鍐呭 鐨? 鎴戦櫌鍙 紑鍏氱粍鐞嗚 瀛 範涓 績缁勭 . 甯傚 甯稿 銆佹斂娉曞 涔 涓佸畤涓 琛? 甯傘 佸尯绾 鐩稿叧棰嗗 鍚屽織鑷崇洂涓? 浜 箹娉曢櫌鎴夸骇鐗 笟宸 洖娉曞涵鎴愮珛.
I will personally direct, shoot, edit and create a DVD that preserves your very special wedding. I use no templates or formulas but rely upon the look and feel of your celebration to creat an original cinematic work of art that you will treasure forever! Wedding Photography and Wedding Videography by Soft Works Ltd. Has details and links to my professional film and television credits. Sample DVDs are available upon request. If you have any questions.
UG妯 叿璁捐 鍩硅 锛堝彴宸為粍宀 級. 娴欐睙鎹锋槍绾挎 ч 鍔ㄧ 鎶 鏈夐檺鍏 徃. 娉ㄥ 鏈烘 宸ョ 甯? 鏉 窞璧涘 绉戞妧鏈夐檺鍏 徃. 鏉 窞榧庨殕鑷 姩鍖栬 澶囨湁闄愬叕鍙? 鏈虹數涓 浣撳寲璁捐 宸ョ 甯? 鍗 骇绫昏繛鎺ュ櫒璁捐 鐮斿彂宸ョ 甯? 妯 叿璁捐 宸ョ 甯? 鎶 鏈 璁 笌浜у搧鐮斿彂. 娓 窞鍗楁柟娓镐箰璁惧 宸ョ 鏈夐檺鍏 徃. 姘稿槈鍘挎棴涓芥 濉戠 鎶 鏈夐檺鍏 徃. 娉ㄥ 妯 叿璁捐 甯? 涓 浗淇 川鐢垫満鏈夐檺鍏 徃. 鏉 窞鏄撴嘲杈剧 鎶 鏈夐檺鍏 徃. 鎺у埗纭 欢璁捐 宸ョ 甯? 娴欐睙鐪佸畞娉 厛婧 競澶 厓鍗氬 妯 叿鍘? 瀹佹尝璺冮 妯 叿鏈夐檺鍏 徃.
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